Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I can't believe I put off showering for 10 minutes to update this thing. Gross.

Okay, haven't updated in a while, so even though this is a light post, I thought I'd give it a go. (It's Rivky, by the way.) The truth is, not much is going on. Classes are good, my dorm situation is good. I went out for the first time this Saturday night- to a friend's friend's friend's birthday party. (Yes, that would be party-crashing squared.) It was a very interesting night. I can't really describe it here, because it's entirely too complicated and sort of bizarre, the more I think about it, but maybe we can talk about it in person if anyone reading this chooses to come visit!

I have three hours of dance a week, even though it's only two credits, so it's the class I spent most of my energy on. In the beginning, I was horrible, and two weeks in...I'm still pretty bad. But better! I know most of the moves, and I don't think I embarrass myself as much I did in the beginning.

This weekend, we have a tiyul to Cape Coast(1) and the central region of Ghana. We'll be touring the castle(2), etc. The rest of the group is doing a Saturday and Sunday trip, but because they love us(3), the director is taking me, Yamit and Zahava early- we're doing the entire Saturday tiyul on Friday before shabbos- while the group is doing the tiyul on Saturday, we are spending shabbos in the hotel, and then we rejoin everyone else on motzei shabbos.

Oh and last thing before I go shower(4)- I don't think Zahava or I wrote about food this past shabbos, but it was our most successful yet, by far. Zahava made two gorgeous challot- they were delicious and fresh and amazing. We had TILAPIA (cleaned/ cooked by yours truly)- broiled with onions. Yamit made yam balls and sweet potato balls both(5), we all made salad, and I made chocolate chip cookies. I can't even describe what a success this shabbos was. It was so much delicious food, and so satisfying- it was difficult but we really pulled it off.

Okay, now really the last thing- I'm so excited for the Super Bowl next week! We're not sure where we're going to watch it, but at least ten of us in the dorm are going to find a place- maybe Champs, this American-ish place everyone goes to(6)- to watch the game. It starts at 11:30 PM on Sunday night, but it's worth it. I'm rooting for the Saints, just because New Orleans hasn't been able to catch a break in, say, 8 years. But I'm really just hoping for a good game.

(1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cape_Coast
(2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cape_Coast_Castle
(3) i.e. they are the nicest, most accommodating people of life, they're really going above and beyond what we expected.
(4) for a recap of my daily activities- all I do here is nap and shower. You forgot?
(5) Turns out yam balls, which- don't forget!- are really potato balls, are better. Who saw that coming?
(6) shockingly, never been there.


  1. i could send you a post telling you ahead of time how wins the super bowl. they you can get them to think you are pyschic. what i would do for family??? when will be see some pictures of your grand adventures??

    love, san antonio barb

  2. At least I know that the Superbowl is one game...unlike my World Series confusion. Either way, can't really say I'll be watching.

    Love love,


    rivk--"all i do is nap and shower [and cook]" el oh el it is like being at seminary

  4. Adidi, no wonder we're twinsies!
