Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Faith and Practice of Islam

Rivky again- just wanted to add one thing about one of my classes here. I'm taking a class called Faith and Practice of Islam. It's a really interesting class, and I do learn a lot about Islam- specifically Sunni Islam, we barely speak about Shiah because my professor is Sunni.(1) But what bothers me/ cracks me up about the class is that it often ends up being an argument between the Christians and Muslims in the class, while I just sit there. Ghana is an incredibly religious country, and no one is afraid to argue and push their beliefs onto others.(2) As much as I have been learning, the shock of watching students arguing amongst themselves and with the professor about Jesus seems so unacademic to me- sometimes I wonder if I'm sitting in on a Sunday school class or if I'm actually in a university.

(1) Boy, is he Sunni.
(2) I don't remember if we wrote about this yet, but people walk into our dorm all the time giving us flyers and inviting us to come to church with them. We always say, "We're Jewish," and they respond, "That's okay, we don't mind." How thoughtful.

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