Thursday, March 18, 2010

Because People Keep Asking Me and Zahava Isn't Posting...

Zahava isn't sick anymore! (It's Rivky. Duh.) The heartburn is 100% gone, baruch Hashem.

Oh, and last week my wallet was stolen, and my camera was stolen. Two separate occasions. I discovered my camera missing early in the week, and then on Thursday, when I went to take my wallet out of my bag, I noticed that the pocket was open and wallet was gone. Well, stinks to be you, Ghanaian Thief, because you left my iPod, which would have sold for much more than my wallet. My wallet had no cash, only my license, American Express card (doesn't work in Ghana), MasterCard (doesn't work in Ghana), and...nothing else of value, really. My camera, however, it much more frustrating. I left it in America, my mom sent it to me, I had it for a couple of weeks, and then it was stolen. I'm pretty bummed about that.


  1. Sorry about the camera. How frustrating.


  2. "well, stinks to be you, ghanaian thief" is the new "shutties xtina, i'm working on my tunes." i'll let allie know, the entire world (er, us two and andrew?) will be saying it by next friday.

    i see you next week! <3 <3 <3

  3. Of course you brought your license with you. Been doing a lot of driving there, ey Rivks?

    Miss you, kiss you!

  4. well, you were up against a criminal...barach hashem you were not hurt. it was only a camera... we are all happy you are ok. You now know what you are up against (unfortunaely) and you will need to match wits and be very careful with your things. Did you report this to your credit card companies? cards are not good in ghana but what if they sell them to another party. i would still notify your credit card companies and have them closed. san antonio barb

  5. The cards could be used for online purchases, even from Ghana, so good idea to cancel them. I hope things improve in your Ghana trip. Enjoy your Pesach in Israel! Chag kasher v'sameach to both of you! Love, Mimi

  6. I cancelled both the AE card and the ATM card as soon as Rivky called me, which was within hours of when her wallet was stolen.

    Not to worry.

