Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Our first day...

Hey everyone! We're finally here! Zahava is out (she's the social one? Who saw that coming) and I'm actually beat, but I wanted to just write a quick post that we're here. We have our luggage, baruch Hashem, but we still don't have phones or internet. I'm borrowing Micky's (Micky? Mikey? who knows.) computer* now just because I've been starved for internet.

Zahava and I are sharing a room. The room, and the campus itself, is very Israeli. Flat mattresses, gross floors, dust and dirt everywhere...it feels like Dvir all over again.** We have two Israeli flags up, one map of Israel, our myzmanim monthly calendar...we could not look more psycho. We even have a post-it on the east wall that says mizrach.*** Oh, also the door to the suite doesn't lock, and apparently there are people in and out all the time. Oh, awesome.

Okay, time to crash. We have to be at the CIEE office tomorrow at 9 AM to register for classes. And because it's a half hour walk, we have to be out the door by 8:30. Lovely. Either Zahava or I will post more actual updates in the next couple of days. Expect to hear about the weather, showers, (lack of) food, and maybe even a video! Maybe. No promises.

*What a mensch, no? He's basically our madrich. Nicest guy ever. Loves our Israeli flags.

**My apartment in shana aleph. It was incredibly disgusting and gross- ask me sometime about the open ceiling in the living room- but we didn't notice because we had so much fun.

***You could argue that considering we don't face east from Ghana, it's a bit silly, but work with me here.


  1. oh duh just tried to post a comment but my internet is weaving in and out, it is like being in ghana, also my cell doesnt work, I YEARN FOR DEATH

  2. wow, and i thought you were going to eat peanut butter and tuna for 4 months. upwards and onwards.. looking forword to your next blog. What is the temperature like this time of year?
    San Antonio Barb

  3. I still cant believe you actually went. Have fun though!

  4. Zahava is the social one, duh. Don't you remember her one liner in Mendy's, "are you a twin?"

    (I know, of course you don't remember)


  5. Adventuring around the world with a sister is awesome. Wish I could do that!
