Friday, January 8, 2010

First post

Hello, all! This is Rivky, writing our first post from Teaneck. We're leaving for Ghana on Sunday night, so I wanted to write an intro post before we leave. We are mostly packed, we finally got our visas after a little mishap this week which involved an emergency trip to Washington DC to visit the lovely people at the Ghanaian embassy.*

We'll try to post relatively often, but the truth is that it seems unlikely. Zev, a friend of mine currently in Ghana, said that electricity often cuts out, and that the internet is not easy to come by on our university campus. Zahava will write a little, and I'll write a little, and hopefully we can also get pictures going on.

Okay, that wraps up the intro post. Official countdown- 54 hours until we leave!

Oh, and a special thank you to Sarah Moses for coming up with the name. So clever, that girl.

*that was sarcasm. They were not lovely. They were mean. Luckily, Zahava dealt with them while I watch the Fresh Prince in the waiting room at the embassy.


  1. Have a great time there!
    -David (Eis)

  2. It's ghana be awesomeeeee!!!!

    PS--ani mechaka la comment shel at-yoda'at-mi.......

  3. pps--how the heck do you say comment in jew? good thing i'm going to israel in two days....

  4. look forward to following you both via your posts. barbara/ texas

  5. I'm ghana miss you! Already do.


  6. Adi - I think the word used is talkback טוקבק.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Your blog is so interesting! So no kosher meat products are available there?

  9. How did I not know you were keeping this blog until now?!?!
